SuperMate & Macquarie CMA Integration

Simplify SMSF bank account opening, seamless integration for faster fund establishment & account opening.

Streamline the SMSF setup with SuperMate & Macquarie

Tired of the manual work and delays involved in setting up a new SMSF and bank account? SuperMate and Macquarie have teamed up to transform your experience. Our seamless integration eliminates the hassle, saving you valuable time and ensuring accuracy.

Ready for the Effortless SMSF Setup?

Watch the Demo below

Want to learn more about SuperMate?

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Cash Management and Accelerator accounts are issued by Macquarie Bank Limited (MBL), AFSL 237502 to approved applicants only. T&Cs apply. See the offer documents at before deciding. Neither SuperConcepts Software Services Pty Ltd (SuperMate) or our related entities provide advice or recommendations in relation to these accounts. This is factual information and not intended to be advice.

This information has been provided by SuperMate, which is not an authorised deposit-taking institution for the purposes of the Banking Act 1959 (Cth). SuperMateā€™s obligations do not represent deposits or other liabilities of MBL. MBL does not guarantee or otherwise provide assurance in respect of the obligations of SuperMate.